Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i'm going to pretend that i'm not sure where to begin.... but it's simple!  i just received saw V from columbia house.  while i recommend the company for what it offers, after you have done your required amount of films, i must say that from time to time i have issues.  i certainly declined my directors selection, which was saw V, and i think that i could argue it or send it back.  yet there must be a reason that they decided they would send it to me in spite of the fact that i didn't want it, and it's not the first... or twentyith time.  surely they will say that i didn't decline, but my issues are bigger than that.

i haven't seen any of the saw films.  maybe mostly because i heard they lacked a plot.  i was brought up on crazy materials, like 'faces of death', and other obscure 80's flicks.  i know the voyeuristic pleasures gained from the material offered.  am i simply not hip to the saw experience?  am i wrong for wanting an actual story line in a movie?  or are others simply not viewing the better versions of the saw concept in its original form from decades ago? more importantly can't i simply view saw V because i own it?  even if i enjoy it, it would only go to prove that i don't need to see any of the other films.  or do i need to buy the other four and watch them first?  as if to pretend that throwing millions of dollars in crap produces good material? 

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