Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fido 2005

Truth be told I can only say that everyone on the planet needs to see this film.  I could go on about the manner in which the film was shot.  Every frame is saturated in the colors you need to see.  The depth of field and cinematography always tease and lead the eye. 

I could become verbose about the detailed wordplay and wit littered throughout the film.  You will find yourself laughing when it’s wrong to do so.  Simply because it’s that funny, yet serious.                                                                    "How did that blood from your nose get on your zombie Timmy?"           "I wiped it there." 

I could point out the many intricacies laden beneath the films storyline that relate to political and social beliefs. 

On this film I won’t tell you much.  Eat your heart out Vincent Price, Elvira, and Tim Burton.

     Watch it for yourself and tell me what you think.  Tell me what it is that’s the greatest about this film.  I want to know.  I think it’s the fact that some governments actually give filmmakers money to make good movies.  

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