Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fido 2005

Truth be told I can only say that everyone on the planet needs to see this film.  I could go on about the manner in which the film was shot.  Every frame is saturated in the colors you need to see.  The depth of field and cinematography always tease and lead the eye. 

I could become verbose about the detailed wordplay and wit littered throughout the film.  You will find yourself laughing when it’s wrong to do so.  Simply because it’s that funny, yet serious.                                                                    "How did that blood from your nose get on your zombie Timmy?"           "I wiped it there." 

I could point out the many intricacies laden beneath the films storyline that relate to political and social beliefs. 

On this film I won’t tell you much.  Eat your heart out Vincent Price, Elvira, and Tim Burton.

     Watch it for yourself and tell me what you think.  Tell me what it is that’s the greatest about this film.  I want to know.  I think it’s the fact that some governments actually give filmmakers money to make good movies.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i'm going to pretend that i'm not sure where to begin.... but it's simple!  i just received saw V from columbia house.  while i recommend the company for what it offers, after you have done your required amount of films, i must say that from time to time i have issues.  i certainly declined my directors selection, which was saw V, and i think that i could argue it or send it back.  yet there must be a reason that they decided they would send it to me in spite of the fact that i didn't want it, and it's not the first... or twentyith time.  surely they will say that i didn't decline, but my issues are bigger than that.

i haven't seen any of the saw films.  maybe mostly because i heard they lacked a plot.  i was brought up on crazy materials, like 'faces of death', and other obscure 80's flicks.  i know the voyeuristic pleasures gained from the material offered.  am i simply not hip to the saw experience?  am i wrong for wanting an actual story line in a movie?  or are others simply not viewing the better versions of the saw concept in its original form from decades ago? more importantly can't i simply view saw V because i own it?  even if i enjoy it, it would only go to prove that i don't need to see any of the other films.  or do i need to buy the other four and watch them first?  as if to pretend that throwing millions of dollars in crap produces good material?